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  • Tortoises

    Di Pubblicato il 12-02-2014 01:32

    Kleinmann’s tortoise is the smallest tortoise among Mediterranean species and one of the smallest tortoises in the world.
    Phylogenetic studies show, quite curiously, that it shares a common ancestor with Testudo marginata, which is the largest among the Mediterranean tortoises.
    Di Pubblicato il 18-06-2013 14:28

    Areal of distribution
    Testudo hermanni is widespread in Europe. It is divided into two subspecies, Testudo hermanni hermanni (Thh) and Testudo hermanni boettgeri (Thb). The first one is mostly widespread in Western Europe (Spain, France and Italy), the second one in Eastern Europe (countries of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and western Turkey). ...
    Di Pubblicato il 12-07-2013 01:29

    Areal of ​​distribution
    G. elegans has spread throughout the Indian peninsula, Sri Lanka and some parts of Pakistan. Its habitat is subject to dry seasons alternating with rainy seasons.
    Di Pubblicato il 21-06-2013 11:02

    Areal of distribution
    C. carbonaria is widespread in South America, from Panama to Northern Argentina and it has been introduced in some Caribbean islands.
    Pubblicato il 05-08-2013 12:16

    Introduction and presentation of the specimen
    Pina is a 7 years old Testudo hermanni boettgeri, female, taken by me in summer 2012 with a male of the same species. When she got to me, she was not eating much, she gave only a few bites of food that was given, without ending her portions. Her weight was about 189 grams and her feces were flabby and full of mucus.
    Di Pubblicato il 10-03-2014 19:25

    Candling eggs is an operation that allows us to verify if the egg is fertile and to see its development during the incubation process.
    With turtle eggs, that absolutely must not be moved or turned, exception made for the few hours immediately after the laying and only to be carried to the incubator, we’ll use a small LED light, kept in touch with the egg shell, in a dark room.
    In order to make it easier, if you’re lucky and you assisted the laying, you can clean the eggs with warm water.
    A clean egg, like the one in the pictures, will be easier to check. ...