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Discussione sull'argomento Amphibians contenuta nel forum English Corner, nella categoria International Section; Hello, I guess I will share these here, too. I also work with several amphibians, albinos and "classic". Here's a ...

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di Gerards
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    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2013
    Tartarughe in possesso

    Albinos and Softshells

    Predefinito Amphibians

    I guess I will share these here, too. I also work with several amphibians, albinos and "classic". Here's a few pictures to enjoy.

    I produced the first cb Albino Cuban Tree Frogs this summer. They're pretty much a native species her now(not really) and was a fun project to do. Here's a start to finish.

    And at about 2 months old they look really nice

    heres some other projects I'm working on.

    Bufo terrestris, leucistic.

    Scaphiopus holbrookii, albino.

    Ambystoma tigrinum, albino.

    Bufo woodhouseii, albino.

    Bufo americanus, albino.

    Ambystoma maculatum, leucistic.

    Sorry for the really long post, I didn't think it would be so big when I started. I hope you enjoyed my amphibians and I hope it was ok to post it here. I'm very proud of them, they're a lot of fun to work with.
    mokimax, doriana, Jitka and 8 others like this.
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    Jan 2022

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