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Keeping a tortoise in London?

Discussione sull'argomento Keeping a tortoise in London? contenuta nel forum English Corner, nella categoria International Section; Indeed, I totally agree... If you don't mind me asking Albebia, where are you taking them from? Is there a ...

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di elizabeth
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    Feb 2014
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    Trachemys scripta scripta

    Predefinito Re: Keeping a tortoise in London?

    Indeed, I totally agree...
    If you don't mind me asking Albebia, where are you taking them from? Is there a shop? I don't think they are sold here but perhaps I have never payed enough attention
    sulaphat likes this.

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  3. #2
    L'avatar di albebia87
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    Nov 2013
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    0.0.2 Sternotherus Odoratus

    Predefinito Re: Keeping a tortoise in London?

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da elizabeth Visualizza Messaggio
    Indeed, I totally agree...
    If you don't mind me asking Albebia, where are you taking them from? Is there a shop? I don't think they are sold here but perhaps I have never payed enough attention
    I'm taking them from a user that I "met" here in the forums..

    I also found a couple of shops where they sell Sternotherus Odoratus, but USUALLY the way animals are kept in shops are anything but ideal, where overpopulated acquariums are the most common problem, and probably the less serious.

    For that reason, it is usually better to take animals from amateur breeders, because they tend to put love and care above gain when keeping them, thus the animals tend to be more healthy..

    At least here in Italy, there are far more common species of turtles then Sternotherus, Trachemys above all, that can be bought almost in every animal shop for below €10, but they grow bigger than sternotheurs, thus they require much more space when they become adult.

    I would suggest you to ask for someone who breed them near you.. otherwise, you could always try to look in shops, but paying attention on how they are kept and if the shopkeeper is reliable.

    Out of curiosity, I gave a quick look to possible UK sellers, and I found Blue Lizard Reptiles.. UK prices seem to be quite higher than in Italy, probably because they are less common.

    - - - Aggiornato - - -

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da elizabeth Visualizza Messaggio
    Acquarion, Haha! I see it's trying to bite you in the picture, maybe it's the opposite, we should be afraid
    The turtle in Acquarion's avatar is actually a Sternotherus Odoratus, or Common musk turtle.. Claudius Angustatus are sligthly bigger and far more aggressive

    It is probably the turtle with the most powerful bite related to his size.
    elizabeth likes this.

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